Ninja Forms Scheduled Exports
The scheduled exports plugin for Ninja Forms enables a form creator to set up schedules on which submissions for any number of Ninja Forms will be exported and delivered.
The plugin uses WordPress' wp-cron functionality into which it hooks to trigger the export requests. It is also dependent on NF core functionality introduced in NF v3.6.10, so there is a check to ensure the NinjaForms\Includes\Handlers\SubmissionAggregate->setAggregatedSubmissions()
method is present after all plugins are loaded.
Basic Usage
Each form can be set up with multiple schedules for exporting. The parameters for an export schedule include:
- Interval - hourly, daily, weekly
- Count limit - maximum number of submissions to send per interval
- Last exported - timestamp of last submission previously exported; the next scheduled export picks up where the previous one left off
The schedules for any given form can be adjusted from within the Advanced section of the form builder. For convenience, one can also manage all the exports for all the schedules on the Scheduled Exports sub menu.
Debug Logger
This plugin is equipped with a debug logger that provides advanced logging to assist in troubleshooting. It can be turned on with a checkbox on the NF settings page in the Scheduled Exports section. This functionality stores a lot of data quickly and it can slow down your site temporarily. Because of that, it is hightly recommended to only turn on the debugger when you have an immediate need to collect debug data. As soon as the data is collected, turn of the logger before analyzing the data to resolve the issue you were logging.